
Statement of Philosophy

At St Mary’s North Tamworth Preschool, we have based our Philosophy around the Early Years Learning Framework, specifically the concepts of Belonging, Being and Becoming. As a community we felt it captured the essence of what St Mary’s Preschool has always tried to achieve. Having a Philosophy guides the practices of our Preschool including our team, children, families and the wider St Mary’s community. 


At St Mary’s North Tamworth Preschool, we value a child’s connection to their family, their Preschool and the Tamworth Community (Belonging). We recognise that children come to us with their own ideas and values and that time, respect and support are the right of each child (Being). We respect the goals that each family will have for their child’s early education, and we will endeavour to promote their progress through our natural play-focused learning environment (Becoming).

Our National Curriculum “The Early Years Learning Framework” recognises the broad concepts: Belonging, Being and Becoming.  At St Mary’s Preschool we recognise the value of these concepts and the following specific statements have been formulated to represent our Preschool in relation to these concepts:

Collaborative partnerships between children, families and teachers will be the focus of our curriculum. We recognise that genuinely knowing each child and family is the only way to promote learning and ensure inclusive practices. Children need to feel secure and valued in their learning environment and this is best established with a considerate, caring, patient and thoughtful teaching team. 

Children will be valued for the experience and knowledge they bring on an individual basis and within their community. We will endeavour to establish relationships with our wider community including our Catholic Parish (St Nicholas), Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Elders and the local North Tamworth Community in order to promote confidence in establishing relationships. 

Play will be actively promoted as the most effective method for young children to learn. The play that will be promoted at St Mary’s Preschool will be authentic, dynamic, natural, often messy and teacher supported rather than directed. Teachers will promote a collaborative learning partnership with the children and will challenge each child to reach their full potential.

Children will play an active role in curriculum decision making and in taking responsibility for caring for their learning environment. St Mary’s Preschool prides itself on having a natural and aesthetically beautiful environment and this will be the responsibility of the children, teachers, families and management to maintain.

The children and teachers will share a flexible but predictable routine that promotes children’s rights to play, rest, experiment, test relationships, be safe, challenge themselves and learn. 
A special focus for St Mary’s Preschool is the documenting of each child’s learning through our OWNA Program/App.  We aim to thoroughly document each child’s journey through their early education with us. This documentation will be accurate, thoughtful, robust, individual to each child and shared with families to enhance our collaborative relationships. 

An expectation that is encouraged through a preschool education is for children to become more independent and confident to make informed decisions. This will be promoted at St Mary’s Preschool through real world and risky experiences, where children will need to make their own risk assessments and remain resilient when plans do not work out as they expect. 

A major transition in a child’s life is from their Preschool education to formal schooling. This transition will be supported at St Mary’s Preschool through the development of relationships with local schools, supporting families through this process and providing families and schools with a Transition to School Statement. Any suspected challenges that will be faced for each individual child will be communicated to their family, and support agencies sought if required.